Seafood Scotland Logo

A Scottish heart with a global mindset, we’re proud to be Seafood from Scotland.

“We concentrate on quality over quantity, we maintain a distinctive offering and our focus is on the worldwide recognition of our seafood.”

Our Seas, Our Future

Every place in Scotland has its own story, and every local will be the one to tell it to you. In our case, it’s tales of the finest Scottish waters, dramatic coastlines and exceptional seafood that you’ll never forget. Why? Because this is Seafood from Scotland.

We believe in provenance, inclusivity and the steps we need to take as a brand with an ethical foundation. Therefore, our progressive attitude, responsive actions and forward thinking perspective is what makes us stand out in the crowd. We are built by passionate people, decades of experience and we’re proud to represent our industry through the fantastic reputation and craft of Scotland’s product.

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Who We Are

We are proud to offer free services to all the industry, inclusive of any size, scale or part of the supply chain.

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Seafood Scotland

We are proud to offer free services to all the industry, inclusive of any size, scale or part of the supply chain.

Our Seas, Our Future

Scottish fish farmers and fishermen consider themselves to be custodians of the sea, proud to invest in sustainable practices that secure a continued living for themselves and future generations.

Our Seas, Our Future +