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Seafood Scotland witnesses Orkney’s entrepreneurial prowess first hand

Posted on – 4th September 2024 – Written by – Seafood Scotland
#News & Events

Following on from our visit to Shetland last month, our team took the short flight to Orkney with another full itinerary of visits planned.

We began our trip with a visit to Jollys of Orkney, where George Stout and his team guided us through their smokery, showcasing traditional processing methods. Their 60 years of experience was evident, emphasizing a focus on premium-quality fish and shellfish.

On our second day we toured Orkney Crab and met team members Kirsty Brown, Morag Mitchell, Karl Adamson, and Michael Young to learn more about their processing facilities. Next, we met with Hannah Fennell and Seafood Scotland chair Kevin McDonell at the Orkney Fisheries Association, where we discussed sustainable fishing practices and the local fishing industry. We then proceeded to the Cooke Scotland processing and packing site, where they process, package, and distribute products for customers worldwide.

Our final day included a visit to Loki Seafood Shack, located near Skara Brae, to discuss their operations, which concluded with a delicious lunch.

Summarising the trip, Industry Engagement Manager Jeni Adamson said “The team spent a fantastic week connecting with academics, producers and processors on Shetland and Orkney – through direct industry engagement, we gained a valuable insight to the unique seafood industry on the islands and the commitment to sustainable farming and fishing practices, and cultivated ties which could lead to promising and creative collaborations. Many thanks to all the people and companies visited for their time and hospitality.”